Account Blocks
Our email servers produce bounce messages which include a link to remove the block. All you need to do is click on it and the block will be removed. To prevent abuse, the link contains an encrypted tag and an email address. This is active for 3 days. If your email account is on one of our servers and you know the password associated with it, you can follow the instructions which follow. If you don't know your password, it will have to be reset by an administrator.
To manually unblock your account:
- Click on "Log In" above
- Log in using the email address which is blocked.
- Next, click on "ERRORS and Account Blocks" at the upper right.
- Click on "A Single Account Block".
If you are a domain administrator or reseller, you can unblock accounts under your control by logging in here using your control panel login, including the server name. For example, you would lg in as, were "fred" is your login name and "" is the name of the server.
Please understand that an account will be blocked again immediately if the underlying cause is not remedied.
A sign that your computer has been compromised is getting many returned emails which you did not send, but which were sent using your email account. If you are getting such bounces and are unsure whether your account was used to send them, copy and paste a returned email into a support ticket. We will help you interpret the problem.
If your email is blocked and you are not a customer Unblock It Here
The lists spammers use have higher than normal reject rates. We monitor bounces in order to identify them. When there have been at least 3 bounces in the last 24 hours and the bounce rate exceeds 3%, the account is blocked. A normal bounce rate is about 1%
Spammers using compromised computers is common. By some estimates, more than 35% of personal computers with access to the Internet are compromised. By sending email very slowly, spammers using such machines usually go unnoticed. Sometimes the compromise puts the attacker in complete control of the affected machine and sometimes the compromise is a key logger which steals login information.
The attacker may use your machine directly or may use the stolen logins. Working with a compromised computer can cause you a lot of problems, including identity theft.
Although bounce rates are the best indicator we have that a spammer is at work, sometimes other things can trigger a block. One example is many emails bound for a server which is experiencing problems and is refusing mail. When delivery retries time out, the emails will bounce. Another example is emails with multiple recipients sent back and forth in a group discussion with one or more undeliverable address.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause and hope you do not find it terribly inconvenient to unblock yourself in these unusual cases.